Past Exhibitions

Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the Emperor Go-Yōzei
February 5, 2019 - March 10, 2019

The Momoyama period (1573–1615) was a sort of golden age of Japanese culture. Occurring between the medieval and early modern eras of Japan's history, it was a time of transition and innovation across all facets of culture and society. This was also true within the artistic realm of calligraphy, as exemplified by the writings of two powerful rulers: Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536–1598), who unified Japan and became its de facto military ruler, and the Emperor Go-Yōzei (1571–1617). Both men can be characterized by their nonconformist writing styles. Hideyoshi was particularly known for his free spirited use of the brush, while Go-Yōzei, while being fully versed in classical techniques, pushed boundaries into new modes of expression, to great critical acclaim. The works on view here reveal the opulence of Momoyama culture through the calligraphy of these two groundbreaking leaders.

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