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  3. Tsuzuri Project Exhibition of High-Resolution Facsimiles, June 18 to September 8, 2024


Tsuzuri Project Exhibition of High-Resolution Facsimiles, June 18 to September 8, 2024

High quality replicas of important Japanese artworks preserved in overseas collections are currently on display.

Exhibit: Landscape of the Four Seasons  by Shikibu Terutada
Tartars Playing Polo and Hunting  attributed to Kano Sōshū
*High-Resolution Facsimiles
Exhibition Period: June 18–September 8, 2024
Venue: Grand Lobby, Heisei Chishinkan Wing
Admission: Included with admission to Collection Exhibition
Hours and Admission
View of Tsuzuri Project High-Resolution Facsimiles

View of Tsuzuri Project High-Resolution Facsimiles

The "Tsuzuri Project" (Official Title: Cultural Heritage Inheritance Project) is a joint project organized by the Kyoto Culture Association (NPO) and Canon, Inc. As part of the project's tenth iteration, high-resolution facsimiles of two paintings owned by the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, Landscape of the Four Seasons by Shikibu Terutada and Tartars Playing Polo and Hunting attributed to Kanō Sōshū, were gifted to the Kyoto National Museum for public display.
One aim of the Tsuzuri Project is to create facsimile reproductions of famous works of art and cultural heritage that can be used as teaching materials. In addition, reproductions of works like these two screens provide people in Japan with the opportunity to view high quality replicas of valuable Japanese cultural assets that are now preserved in overseas collections.

Related link:
Tsuzuri Project

Posted: June 18, 2024

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