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Exhibition Catalogues and Related Publications

To purchase past exhibition catalogues, please contact the Museum Shop.

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Current Exhibition Catalogue

Feature Exhibition Catalogues

Toyotomi Hidetsugu and Zuisen-ji Temple¥880

  • Publication date: June, 2024
  • Publisher: Kyoto National Museum
  • Product details: p-32 6 objects

Catalogues of Past Special Exhibitions

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Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

Clay Sutra Tablets

  • Publication date: October, 1981
  • Publisher: Kyoto National Museum

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

The Personal Effects of Sakamoto Ryōma

  • Publication date: April, 1981
  • Publisher: Kyoto National Museum

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

Japanese Swords in the Collection of the Ii Family

  • Publication date: October, 1980
  • Publisher: Kyoto National Museum

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

Iconography of Esoteric Buddhism

  • Publication date: July, 1979
  • Publisher: Seifukai association

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

Masterpieces of Nirvana Paintings

  • Publication date: November, 1978
  • Publisher: Seifukai association

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

The Twelve Devas

  • Publication date: April, 1977
  • Publisher: Seifukai association

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

Copying Wall Paintings from the Nara and Heian Periods

  • Publication date: July, 1967
  • Publisher: Kyoto National Museum

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

Illustrated Handscrolls of the Legends of Ishiyama-dera Temple

  • Publication date: April, 1965
  • Publisher: Kyoto National Museum

Feature Exhibition Catalogues Sold Out

Minister Kibi's Adventures in China, from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

  • Publication date: November, 1964
  • Publisher: Kyoto National Museum

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