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  1. TOP
  2. The KNM Collection
  3. Masterpieces of the KNM
  4. Chinese Painting
  5. Kannon (Avalokitesvara) in White-Robe


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Chinese Painting

Important Cultural Property

Kannon (Avalokitesvara) in White-Robe

by Zheng Wu
Inscription by Yunwai Yunxiu


  • China, Yuan Dynasty, 14th century
  • Handing scroll; ink on silk
  • H. 127.2cm, W 54.3 cm
  • Kyoto National Museum (AK275)

In this scroll, the Bodhisattva Kannon (Avalokitesvara) sits above the water on a mushroom-shaped rock. Kannon's robe is painted with dark ink in lines of varying thickness. The robe stands in sharp contrast to the rock, painted in scratchy, hihaku brush-strokes.

The artist was probably a professional painter. A seal bearing the name "Zhengwu" has been imprinted within the rock, as if to conceal the identity of the artist. The inscription at the top of the painting is by Yunwai Yunxiu (?-1329) of Jingde Chan Temple on Mt. Tiantong, Qingyuan Prefecture, Ming Province.

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